Retail Audits/Quality Assurance/Sales Promotion

Retail Services:
At your given instruction, and within hours of your request, we can have one of our worldwide contacts out in a shop or supermarket, surveying the state of your own and your competitors' products. For each product or brand, any or all of the following information can be collected for you, depending on your individual requirements.

Quality Assurance Services:
Regular and continual supplies of your own or your competitors' products are invaluable for monitoring both your own and your competitors' quality standards, innovations and pack design. With our ability to co-ordinate and use uniform international research measurements, allowing for accurate cross-border comparisons, and to return samples direct to your own laboratories, Mintel services is perfectly placed (in every place) to carry out your QA requirements.

Sales Promotion Tracking Services:
In an increasingly competitive in-store environment, sales promotion has become an integral part of every manufacturer’s sales strategy. In the UK alone, in any given week close to 10,000 promotions take place in the top 5 multiple retailers and the rest of the world is following this trend. Make sure you are prepared by ensuring that your strategy is planned properly and executed to the highest of standards.